Around Rabbit Hill - August 2021

August, is really feeling like August. Unlike July which felt, quite frankly like May. But then May also felt more like June … or was that March? In any case … if it is August, then it is also the end of summer, just around the corner. August has graced us with a few more sunny and warmer days than July and the potager finally exploded. Although I have to say I am still impatiently waiting for the tomatoes that are in the greenhouse to ripen and for the peppers to even start flowering. I planted the peppers from seed in March — they are certainly taking their sweet time. The squashes are are popping up after very diligent assistance with pollination. I think it paid off as I have seen pumpkins, ‘potimarron’ squash, tons of ‘courgette ronde’ and finally … at long last, a sole butternut. But the appearance of powdery mildew has also exploded thanks to the damp weather and cloudy skies that we have had in this unusually wet summer. Trust me, living in Normandy, where damp weather is common, I have tried every method to deter it … (milk, vinegar, black soap, baking soda — in all kinds of mixes) and finally have come to the conclusion that the best method is to get those mildewy leaves out of the garden, carefully, using gloves and plastic bags — bagging and trashing and then washing all tools. It’s an elusive problem, as the spores are airborne and even one of our cats passing, can spread the spores around the garden. So August is the month where I feel I have to fight it our give up having more squash and vegetables if the mildew passes on the the branches and vines and not just the leaves. I am determined to stretch out the harvest season as long as possible ( I will tell you why in a moment) … so that means almost daily maintenance.

I had mentioned before that we did so many more veggie plants this summer, removing a bunch of old lavender plants, to make more space. I feel like this was a learning season for us, and as someone who is always looking to learn new things, expanding the potager - kitchen garden was a great education with a even better silver lining. The end of August has already caused me to look forward to next year’s growing season. I have collected the vibrant purple-bleu seeds from the haricots verts (above) to save to plant next summer. The plant will be even stronger as it already knows the dirt. (There is a metaphor there … did you catch it?)

As much as I love summer — I also am so excited about what is ahead. So excited. Beyond excited.

And what is coming up first? MY PARENTS VISIT. I can’t even type that without tearing up. They are finally coming to see us — almost exactly TWO YEARS to the day that we last saw them. Crazy. Looking back, I am actually shocked that we all survived the long distance and long wait. They arrive in just under 3 weeks from today. I can’t wait to show them the kitchen reno that we did two years ago, right before their visit was cancelled when France shut down. I can’t wait for them to see all of the potager we added and the baby goats that were born the spring that they were supposed to be here (that is 6 new goats!) that are now adults. I can’t wait to introduce them to Django, our adopted rescue kitty and now also Louis, the stray that rescued us. I can’t wait to cook for them, talk with them … see their smiles, hear their voices from a room away instead of thousands of miles … My oldest will travel back from Prague with his girlfriend and there is a huge family gathering of the French family while they are here too.

After that … wow, even so much more. But for now I will just leave it here. We are ready to take a breath as the summer winds down. It’s a last chance sort of thing, that we need to be careful not to miss. Sometimes we stay-cay, sometimes we go out exploring like tourists.

So for a short time, it is … à bientôt. Let’s chat more when I get back.

See you again soon …

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Rabbit Hill LifeCat